Climemet: Forecasting Change in Education
Weather Fact:For each minute of the day, 1 billion tons of rain falls on the Earth.
Idea 1 - Creative Writing

Use the theme of temperature to write a poem or short story.

Ask the class to write about a fun summer's day on the beach, or building a snowman in the cold.

Idea 2 - Arts and Crafts

Create a stunning wallscape with the colours of the season.

Get students to create a mood boards using temperature - from the glowing embers of hot lava to the snow capped mountains of the Alps.

As well as images, encourage students to think about textures, and even sounds that are associated with seasons.

Split the class into groups and give them each a season to explore.

Even more Fun!
If you're lucky enough to have snow at school, make the most of it and have a snowman building competition!

Idea 3 - Measuring Temperature

Using a thermometer, measure and record the temperature in locations throughout the school:

  • Classroom
  • Hallway
  • Teachers Lounge
  • Headmaster's Office
  • Playground

Talk about the varying temperatures, and encourage children to explore why certain places might be hotter than others.

Idea 4 - Melting Ice

This is simple experiment to see how quickly ice melts, and what factors speed up the melting process.

  1. Take 3 ice cubes, and place them into separate glasses
  2. Place the cups in different locations
  3. Split the class into 3 groups, and assign each group to observe a different location:
    • Direct Sunlight (on a windowsill)
    • Indirect Sunlight
    • Radiator

The experiment can be adapted to discover how substances like salt, warm water and cold water affect the melting process.