Climemet: Forecasting Change in Education
Weather Fact:In 1899, it was so cold that the Mississippi River froze over its entire length.
Fantastic Features for Bright Young Minds

ClimeMET is an interactive, intelligent weather monitoring system. It provides you with a wealth of information about the weather where you are, and combines this with learning resources for all Key Stages of the curriculum.

Comprehensive Maps

ClimeMET comes with a comprehensive suite of Weather Maps. Our maps are all interactive, and can be formatted to show a range of Weather patterns and data – from Temperature to Wind Direction and Current Conditions.

Users can zoom in to specific locations; look at a wider view of the UK and toggle between Terrain and Satellite views. Our Forecast function even allows you to map out the weather for the next 5 days.

Find out more about our Interactive Weather Maps




European Charts

ClimeMET incorporates the very latest Satellite and Forecast maps and charts for the UK and Europe.

Users have access to the following Weather Charts:
Infra Red Satellite
Visible Light Satellite
European Forecast Charts
Rainfall Charts

Find out more about European Weather Charts



Graphs & Data

Review, analyse and compare Weather Data using the Historical Data functions in ClimeMET. Users are able to look at the highest wind speeds across the UK over the past 24 hours, or download and review hourly data recorded by your own station.

Data is stored for up to 31 days, and archived beyond this period, give unique access to valuable trend data and information.

All ClimeMET data can be downloaded to a CSV file.

Find out more about Graphs & Data




Interactive Topic Pages

The ClimeMET Learning Suite is packed full of targeted Topic Pages to help teach core meteorological principles at all key stages of the curriculum. From 'What is Rain' in Key Stage 1 & 2 to 'Meteorological Trends in Desert Climates' in Key Stage 5, there is a wealth of teaching material within the Learning Suite.

All of our Topic Pages are linked directly to real life weather data, so when learning about wind speed, students can see in real time what direction the wind is blowing, and how fast it's going.

Find out more about Interactive Topic Pages


Lesson Plans

ClimeMET Learning Suite includes a set of Lesson Plans and Activities to support our learning topics. From practical experiments to creative writing tasks, we’ve made sure that our Activities and Lesson Plans are also Cross Curricular.

From the science of 'Making a Rainbow' to a class quiz about the Winds of the World, the activities we have included help to reinforce learning, and explain more complex concepts. Like all of our learning suite material, each activity is specifically geared towards the relevant Key Stage.

Fun Ideas and Facts & Stats

ClimeMET Learning Suite includes a set of Lesson Plans and Activities to support our learning topics. From practical experiments to creative writing tasks, we’ve made sure that our Activities and Lesson Plans are also Cross Curricular.

From the science of 'Making a Rainbow' to a class quiz about the Winds of the World, the activities we have included help to reinforce learning, and explain more complex concepts. Like all of our learning suite material, each activity is specifically geared towards the relevant Key Stage.