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Weather Fact:Yuma in Arizona (USA) is the sunniest place in the world.
Winds of the World - Ideas

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Facts and Stats

Facts & Stats

The Earth’s atmosphere extends outward to a distance of approximately 6,000 miles.

The Ancient Greeks used to think that wind was the Earth breathing in and out. We now know that it is just air on the move.

The world’s windiest place is Antarctica, where the wind blows at over 100mph for over 5 months of the year

The origin of the word 'Wind' is Indo-European meaning 'to blow'

The Anemometer was invented in 1846 by astronomer & physicist Dr. John Robinson of Armagh Astronomical Observatory

The Equator is at 0° Latitude, and measures approximately 24,860.2 miles in length

The highest recorded wind speed in the UK is 142mph, measured in Fraserburgh, Aberdeenshire on 13th February 1989

The highest recorded wind speed in England is 118mph, measured in Gwennap Head, Cornwall on 15th December 1976

The highest recorded wind speed in the world is 231mph measured in Mount Washington on 12th April, 1934

The Barometer was invented in 1643 by Physicist and Mathemetician Evangelista Torricelli

The lowest atmospheric pressure ever measured was 850hPa on 24th June 2003 during an F4 Tornado in Manchester, South Dakota

The deadliest tornado in history hit the Manikganj District of Bangladesh on April 26th, 1989 and killed approximately 1,300 people